Celebrity Divorces: Reality or Reality TV?



Celebrity divorces usually involve two people that we have never met, yet as a society, we tend to be very intrigued by them. They very often deal with the same types of issues, such as custody battles, consulting a divorce lawyer, and prenuptial agreements. Even though we don’t personally know the celebrities on TV or in the magazines, there are a few different reasons that can explain why we care so much:

  • Following celebrities and their divorces can be a good distraction from our own lives. Whether it is stress at work or home, tabloids and reality TV can be a nice diversion from our own relationship problems that we might not want to deal with.
  • There is definitely an amount of entertainment that comes from watching celebrities deal with the same issues that we do, but they have to do it in front of the media. Most of us get to choose with whom we share our crises.
  • Some people live vicariously through celebrities, wishing they had the same type of “fantasy” life that they have. So when it’s not as ideal as it seems, it reassures them that everyone has problems and that no one’s life is perfect.
  • For someone going through their own divorce, it might give them someone to empathize with, as if they are going through it together.

Celebrities have to live out every aspect of their life in the public eye. Sometimes that includes parties and fashion shows, with their picture on Page Six of the New York Post. And unfortunately, sometimes that means having every detail of a messy divorce posted online for the whole world to read.