Technology Easing Difficulties in Joint Custody Cases

Technology and Divorce

Technology and Divorce

While joint custody can be beneficial to divorced spouses and a child of a divorce, it also represents an inherent problem.  The problem lies in the fact that joint custody requires divorced spouses to actually communicate with one another on important matters pertaining to their child.  Divorced spouses, however, are often not regularly open to amicable communications.  A partial solution to this problem may exist via our current technology.


E-mails, Texts, and Online Calendars

Joint child custody requires divorced parents to take an active role in the raising of their child.  As mentioned, this requires communication.  Face-to-face communications among divorced spouses, however, can often grow quarrelsome and hostile.  Detached communications often work far better and work well at minimizing emotions and stress.

This is where our current technology comes in.  It is fair to assume that most spouses are familiar with e-mails, texts, and online calendars.  Divorced spouses can utilize these resources to foster a better means of communication to address their child’s needs, such as scheduling, drop-off times, pick-up times, sick-day care, and expenses.  These resources can offer that communications are done electronically or remotely.  Electronic or remote communications allow divorced parents to exchange words and thoughts without the added stress and emotion that is often associated with personal, or face-to-face communications.


Website Support

If electronic or remote communications fail, there are several websites today devoted to improving the communications and planning among divorced spouses, such as Our Family, or  These are essentially a third party software systems and data banks that help divorced families co-parent with less friction. These types of websites give divorced parents access to a host of online tools that allow them to schedule and track parenting time, share important family information and expenses, and to communicate in a clearer and more efficient manner.


Joint child custody should be a good thing.  It benefits parents and children alike. Our current technological resources might provide the help that makes a difference to successful joint custody.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions on how to improve your joint custody arrangements.


Michael C. Craven is a well-known divorce attorney in Chicago, CPA and a partner of the law firm, Beermann Pritikin Mirabelli Swerdlove LLP. (Formerly of Beermann, now a Partner at Harrison LLP) located in the Chicago area. He is highly respected among other divorce attorneys, judges and his clients. He also holds a Master of Tax Law Degree (LLM). For more information about his services, contact Michael at  or at Divorce Lawyers Chicago