Three Things to do During Your Divorce – Advice from A Chicago Divorce Lawyer

Advice and tips for divorce

Tips for Divorce

1. Take Care of Yourself
Divorce brings a lot of hurt feelings, anger, resentment, stress, and depression.  It is important to remember that you need to take care of yourself while you are going through all these feelings.  Find a support group, talk to your divorce lawyer, work out, stay in contact with positive people, and eat right.  All these actions may seem little in comparison to what you are going through, but they will help you cope with the divorce process.

2. Do Not Make Threats
As much as possible, keep angry and hurtful words and threats in your head.  Discuss them with your divorce lawyer, but not your soon to be “ex”. Creating more emotional drama during divorce leads nowhere good. Taking the high road, maintaining your integrity, and focusing on a peaceful, negotiated settlement should yield better results.

3. Make Smart Decisions
Everyone going through divorce is related to or knows someone who has been through it. Your friends and relatives will be quick to offer you advice. Although they are well meaning their advice should be limited to non professional matters. In making decisions in your divorce case, rely on your divorce lawyer since he or she will know how the law should be applied to your particular case.
For more information about your divorce, contact me at